FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Q. What is the difference between TMPGEnc Authoring Works 7 and TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 7?
A. The two products sound similar in name, so they can be easily confused.  TMPGEnc Authoring Works 7 basically creates DVD/Blu-ray/AVCHD files and discs from your source video files - it can convert to DVD-Video/Blu-ray Disc/AVCHD standard compliant MPEG-2 or H.264/AVC and it can also burn those files to DVD and Blu-ray Disc media. It can also create interactive menus and has options for multiple subtitle and audio streams among other things.
TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 7 is basically video conversion software. It can convert your source video files to many, many different types of output files, each of which are highly customizable. It can also output standard-compliant DVD-Video/Blu-ray Disc/AVCHD files, but unlike TMPGEnc Authoring Works 7, it cannot create interactive menus or burn to DVD or Blu-ray Disc media. Also, it cannot create multiple subtitle and audio streams like TMPGEnc Authoring Works 7 can. However, it does have many features not found in TAW7 such as the ability to apply filters to enhance or correct video and audio, a timeline editing mode, and more. To learn more about TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 7's features, please see its product page.

[ Category, Version ]
TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works 7
TMPGEnc Authoring Works 7